L’Astrologie – Les mauvaises critiques

I’ve been criticizing Astrology for a while now, but not always by using valid arguments.

The straw-man argument is incredibly effective to ridicule a practice, but it can’t be considered as a serious argument. One must avoid doing so.

Astrology is all show, but not because it’s physically impossible or because its definitions are arbitrary.

Astrology is all show because the experimental results are disastrous.

– Documentary (FR): L’Oeil du 20h Astrologie entre copier et collé

– Website of Johan van Santen (FR):

– Article from AFIS (FR):
L’astrologie à l’épreuve : ça ne marche pas, ça n’a jamais marché !

– Serge Bret Morel – Astrology and Science. Is there some truth in it? (FR)
The conference : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Haib…
Website: AstroScepticisme : https://astroscept.com

– S. Carlson experiment (1985)

– A Scientific Inquiry Into the Validity of Astrology, McGrew and McFall, 1990 http://www.skepticalmedia.com/astrolo…

– A Meta-analysis of experiments on astrology by G. Dean

– Lot of other experimental protocols on Astrology :

The Barnum effect:
(FR) https://cortecs.org/materiel/leffet-p…

Musique d’intro : Koenjihyakkei

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Textes – Montage – Voix: Christophe Michel

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