Over Extending and Unbalancing Russia
Brookings, Rand, their employees, apologists and collaborators are very much a part of the Ukrainian, Yemeni, Syrian and related problems and they should answer in a war crimes’ court for it.
Brookings, Rand, their employees, apologists and collaborators are very much a part of the Ukrainian, Yemeni, Syrian and related problems and they should answer in a war crimes’ court for it.
Buried deep within their rule of law, is a hidden constitution that states: nothing happens without your consent.
These aren’t the facts you’re looking for.
As we recently reported, the U.S. and its allies have dropped over 337,000 bombs and missiles, or 46 per day, on nine countries since 2001 alone. Senior U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency officers told Newsweek that the first 24 days of Russia’s bombing of Ukraine was less destructive than the first day of U.S. bombing in Iraq in 2003.
Per the above graphic Europe imports most of its energy. The energy potential of each country differs. Germany is pushing so called renewable energies, which are, however, insufficient for covering its energy needs.1 As for fossile fuels, Germany has coal, lignite and hard coal.
Quod licet Iovi, not licet bovi. What is permitted to Jupiter, is not permitted to cattle, as the Romans had it. Who decides who is what? The US establishment, of course.
State of emergency forever? Paul Schreyer, German author of “Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold”, talks about the planned exercises prior to the onset of the Corona crisis begging the question whether we might be deliberately heading into a perpetual state of emergency. What is Dark Winter?What is Event 201? Find out the details in “Chronicle…