Paul Schreyer | COMMENTARY #36

Why is Germany so strict in handling Corona? Paul Schreyer, German author of CHRONICLE OF A CRISIS FORETOLD, asks why Germany rules so rigorously during the so-called Corona crisis, and looks a few years back for possible explanations. Reference in German: To the Book

Tom Lausen | COMMENTARY #32

Who profits from additional intensive care unit beds? Tom Lausen, data analyst, author of the book “The Intensive Care Mafia: About the Shepherdsof the Pandemic and their Profits”, and recent guest at Narrative (#73), discusses aboutcomments on the profits made by hospitals during the pandemic on thesituation of the nursing staff.

Paul Schreyer | COMMENTARY #23

State of emergency forever? Paul Schreyer, German author of “Chronicle of a Crisis Foretold”, talks about the planned exercises prior to the onset of the Corona crisis begging the question whether we might be deliberately heading into a perpetual state of emergency. What is Dark Winter?What is Event 201? Find out the details in “Chronicle…