BY WHO’S CENTRALIZATION OF POWER German translation:OVALmedia International Press Conference of the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY, Geneva Press ClubModeration: Polly Tommy CHD TV and Catherine Austin Fitts, Solari Inc. At the ending of the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva, the INTERNATIONAL ALLIANCE FOR JUSTICE AND DEMOCRACY wants to bring full transparency to…

Heavy stuff: Culture of Tolerance for Police Brutality.

Time and time again demonstrations against COVID-mandates were met with police violence. The aggressive, not rarely brutal, handling of the events was a common theme.
This issue gained wider attention when in the course of a demonstration on August 1, 2021 in Berlin, a great number of incidences of police brutality were documented and reported.
The police had been explicitly instructed to proceed against protesters with a “low intervention threshold”.