That’s All Folks! (Redux)

Well, what do you know, it looks like we’ve got another “CRISIS OF DEMOCRACY” on our hands. Yes, that’s right, folks, THE VERY FABRIC OF DEMOCRACY IS AT STAKE … again! Which means (surprise!) that it’s probably time to declare another STATE OF EMERGENCY and take some sort of EMERGENCY MEASURES to protect humanity from LITERAL FASCISM, or RUSSIA, or CHEAP FAKES, or a VIRUS … or whatever.

Can the WHO and the United Nations impose sanctions on your sovereign country for non-compliance?

Sanctions are a powerful instrument of political control and economic profit. One of the rare but critical topics relevant to the international campaign to #ExitTheWHO is whether the World Health Organisation and the United Nations can impose, influence or recommend specific sanctions. The sanctions could be implemented against countries that choose to not comply or cannot comply with International Health Regulations, the proposed new pandemic treaty, or other legislative attempts that curtail rights, freedom and sovereignty.

Nathaniel Pawlowski

Students Against Mandates | Nathaniel Pawlowski

Join us for our chat with Nathaniel Pawlowski – student, political activist and son of Pastor Artur Pawlowski. During our conversation, Nathaniel breaks down his family’s history with communism and how his father spoke out against the government overreach upon noticing the evident parallels between what’s been taking place in Canada and his what he experienced growing up in a communist country.

Aneel Hegde

Aneel Prasad Hegde | NARRATIVE #167 by Robert Cibis (EN)

Aneel Hegde has been fighting for decades for the self-determination of Indian farmers. Now he has become the first Indian parliamentarian to raise his voice against the superiority of the World Health Organization (WHO). Because there is a parallel between, for example, genetically modified BT cotton and the anti-Covid jabs. Both products are part of a hybrid exercise of power, which is symbolized by the presence of the late Donald Rumsfeld on the boards of Monsato and Gilead. The former company forces farmers to buy new seeds every year. This is because their plants do not reproduce on their own. The second company is the manufacturer of the ineffective anti-Covid drug Remdesivir, which the EU and many countries around the world bought in billions at a price of 2,000 euros per treatment. Both products destabilize the natural immune system, once in plants and once in humans.