Bret Weinstein is either extremely poorly educated in matters of history, especially U.S. history, or he is actively playing into the hands of the Oligarchy

By Uwe Alschner (*)

Source: neveragainisnowglobal.substack

So it is the “post-political Unity Movement” which convened over the last weekend of September in Washington D.C. aiming to “save the West”?

Even Robert F. Kennedy jr. was in attendance.

Bret Weinstein gave me the chills. Why? Because he is either extremely poorly educated in matters of history, especially U.S. history, or he is actively playing into the hands of the Oligarchy.

I urge you to watch the speech, which he gave about 50 minutes into the rally, and decide for yourself.

First of all, it seemed very odd that he should be campaigning to save the West, instead of the United States of America, whose fathers, he said, had “accidentally invented the modern West”.

Clearly, Weinstein seemed to command little knowledge about the complete history of the United States of America which began early in 17th century, more than one hundred years prior to the American Revolution. It was especially the Massachusetts Bay Colony which led the fight against the British Empire, and which was much more directed towards getting along with First Nations, and against Slavery, that shaped the spirit of the U.S. Constitution via its influence on founding fathers such as Benjamin Franklin. Bret Weinstein would we well advised to read 

Matthew Ehret’s “Clash of the Two Americas” or 

Anton’s Substack by Anton Chaitkin’s (“Who we are”) for an understanding of the American Past — as well as of the geo-political present!

But what I found deeply unsettling was how Weinstein seemed intent to steer his audience into a fallacy about what makes us human. After portraying the United States as “senile” (rather than the victim of systematic subversion by the City of London and its Wall Street affiliates via the Council of Foreign Relations and the RIIA, aka Chatham House) he went on to give a weird account of how “nature addresses senility?”

“As we begin to age we produce offspring. Our kids learn that fraction of what we know that still has some use, and they abandon the rest. That pattern of never ending renewal is the essence of what it means to be human.” — Bret Weinstein

Excuse me?

Nature in general has a pattern of “never ending renewal”, all beasts have. That is NOT what makes us human. It is creative reason, the ability to make discoveries and achieve progress which is what it means to be human. It is what made the Golden Renaissance possible that led to centuries of progress in science and economy. And it is exactly what the forces which denied any sovereignty (Weinstein also gave a distressing rendering of the term “nationalism” which Alexander HamiltonAbraham Lincoln and Henry C. Carey would have strongly opposed) to the American colonies where opposed to. Those forces are oligarchical as well as imperial, and have the tendency to prevent other nations from building their own industrial base. Just as the colonies were supposed to remain slave-based agricultural suppliers of raw material to the British Crown, todays nations are globally cajoled into a system of “free markets” which are designed to prevent Africa, Asia or South America to fully develop their economies.

Such imperialist policies were behind the British East India Company, which started to control and abuse science. Newton, Malthus, Darwin, were agents of the Empire and enemies of the United States of America. Weinstein made no mention of this, nor of the continued influence of “the oligarchy” over scientific institutions (as well as supra-national organisations).

Weinstein could have named names, such as that of Joshua Lederberg, who has been a leading proponent of the “Future of Man” conference in London in 1962, and who went on to exercise control over the development of threats such as “Bio-Terrorism” which provide the dubious rationale for “Pandemic Preparedness Policies”, aka Totalitarianism. Interestingly, Dr. Robert Malone, who was on stage as well, keeps on calling for an “unmet need” for an arsenal of instruments in case “the big one” arrives. Both men, Lederberg and Malone, share an interest in gene therapy applications, which have, shall we say, “dual use potential”. Weinstein did not address it.

Instead, he went on to present myths to the public. Literally. Weinstein spoke about the importance of myths (in the education of children in particular). “Stories that are so powerful and potent [that] they are encoded in a special sacred layer. And in our case the myth we need comes to us from the Greeks, the founders of the ancient West.”

Weinstein was NOT refering to classical Greek Philosophy and Art, which inspired Western culture over centuries when he spoke of “the founders of the ancient West”. No, Weinstein proceeded to urge his audience that what we need was the archaic myth of the Phoenix, “a mystical bird, which instead of making chicks sets its nest ablaze and raises anew from the ashes. Watching the modern West burn, I believe it is no accident that this story points us to the solution, a remedy for which we just so happen to have the ingredients.” Yes, Weinstein alluded to fire. Not just once. Does he want us to “set our nest on fire”? He certainly wants to “galvanise the Unity Movement, bringing representatives together from across the Global West”.

One of these representatives was Jordan Peterson, who advocated to “suspend judgement for six month”, said he got the “vaccine”, and encouraged people to “get the … vaccine and let’s get the hell over with this.” Peterson blew the trumpet for the “infectious disease” scare which Joshua Lederberg and Robert Malone helped to create.

Weinstein drew on a second Myth, that of Goliath. And he advocated for combining the two myths, of Goliath and of Phoenix. He did so by invoking Benjamin Franklin, who urged his contemporaries about the important task to preserve the republic: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” Nobody seemed to have understood the twofold sleight of hand which Weinstein performed with the following sentence: “Today David and the Unity Movement face a similar question. What we must deliver is a Republic, if we can phoenix it.” The first sleight of hand concerned the way in which Weinstein promoted the Unity Movement. It just so happens that Robert Malone is on the executive team of the Unity Project.

But more importantly, Weinstein said in his speech, the phoenix “set his nest on fire” before he could rise from the ashes. And this is what he thinks people must do?

Weinstein: “I ask you to think about the job we must do, to phoenix our republic, the daunting obstacle in our path, Goliath, and the Unity Movement we bring to the battle, David. It is for such moments that the Hopi elders tell us: We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Benjamin Franklin would have issued a warning, I would like to think. To keep the republic, not to “phoenix” it.

* Uwe Alschner is historian, author and philosopher

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