
Perspectives of the WHO: From Advisory Body to World Government? | Part IV

Review of pandemic management and the protection of health, freedom and national sovereignty

WHO Pandemic agreement and IHR: protecting health, freedom and national sovereignty – Part 2

With speeches by following guests:

  • Dr. Meryl Nass – The risks of the new Pandemic Treaty and amendments to the WHO International Heath Regulations 00:00-21:40
  • Prof. Reginald Oduor – Critic of the WHO’s planned pandemic measures for Africa 22:00-30:10
  • Sen. Ron Johnson – Message to freedom fighters to defend national and individual health sovereignty 30:25-32:20
  • Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg – The WHO and the abuse of conferred power 32:30-01:30:00
  • QUESTIONS to the guests, and short speeches on freedom of expression, information, open scientific comparisons and censorship by Dr. Alberto Donzelli, and politicians Elisabetta Gardini (Fratelli D’Italia), Ugo Rossi (Insieme Liberi), and Marco Rizzo (Democrazia Sovrana e Popolare) 01:30:00-02:09:01